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Our Best Price Guarantee

We're so sure the best prices for our hotels are found on our website that we're standing by them - with the most powerful guarantee ever by a global travel company. Find a lower price elsewhere and your first night is free. That's our Best Price Guarantee and just one of many benefits you get with the Book With Us Advantage.

Found a lower price? Learn about our guarantee. See full terms and conditions.

Book With Us Advantage, It’s Our Best Price Guarantee and More.

Consider these additional features:

A Guaranteed Room

Booking online is the best way to guarantee your room. If for any reason your reservation cannot be honored, Holiday Inn will provide you with a room and transportation to another convenient and comparable hotel. And, we’ll pay for the full cost of the first night’s lodging price, plus tax. Any advance deposit will be refunded to you.

The World’s Best Hotel Rewards Program

Did you know that booking directly with us is a great way to earn all the benefits of the world’s best hotel rewards program? Because, with Priority Club® Rewards you can earn & redeem points for stays at over 4,400 IHG hotels worldwide as well as an array of “beyond hotel” rewards. Learn more about Priority Club Rewards.

Secure and Safe Transactions

When you book with Holiday Inn Gloucester - Cheltenham, you can trust your transactions are safe and secure. Because, we use state-of-the-art technology and have partnered with a leading provider of Internet trust services to ensure that your personal information is automatically encrypted before it‘s sent over the Internet. Learn more about our commitment to your privacy.

Any Room, Any Price, Any Time.

When you book with Holiday Inn Gloucester - Cheltenham, you have access to the most available room and prices, making us your best online source for the most choices.

No Booking Fees.

Many other travel sites charge a hidden booking fee, sometimes up to $10. So, why not avoid the hidden fees? Simply, make your reservations directly with us and you’ll never pay a booking fee.

The most comprehensive information about our hotels.

Know before you go. The Holiday Inn Gloucester - Cheltenham website is your resource for complete and comprehensive information about our hotels, including up-to-date room descriptions, photos, travel guides, maps and directions, so you can make the most of your vacation. After all, we own the place.

The next time you’re planning a vacation, weekend getaway or business trip, put the power of the Book With Us Advantage to work for you.

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Gloucester Cathedral

One of Gloucester's most famous landmarks.

Gloucester Ghost Walks

Experience the ultimate fright with a spooky journey through the dark narrow alleys of Gloucester.